



ホーム >  国際交流 >  覚書(MOU)更新のオンライン調印式挙行




オンライン調印式は日本大学薬学部国際交流委員長であるEric M. Skier准教授の司会により行われ、日本大学薬学部からは辻泰弘学務担当、宮坂知宏研究担当、宇野朋子教務課長、ポーツマス大学からは、Dr. James Brown教授(国際担当)、Dr. Paul Rutter教授が参列し、両大学の永続的な覚書締結を祝し、榛葉繁紀日本大学薬学部長並びにDr. Chris Changポーツマス大学副学長よりご挨拶をいただき、覚書への署名が行われました。


A Signing Ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding on Academic and Student Exchange Activities between the University of Portsmouth (UK) and the School of Pharmacy, Nihon University was Held Online
On Tuesday, July 23, 2024, the Nihon University, School of Pharmacy (NUSP) held an online memorandum of understanding (MOU) signing ceremony regarding academic and student exchange activities with the University of Portsmouth (UoP) in the UK.

The online signing ceremony was moderated by Associate Professor Eric M. Skier, Chair of the International Exchange Committee, with representatives from NUSP including: Dr. Yasuhiro Tsuji, in charge of academic affairs, Tomohiro Miyasaka, in charge of research, and Tomoko Uno, director of the Academic Affairs Division. Representatives from the University of Portsmouth included Professor Dr. James Brown (International Affairs) and Professor Dr. Paul Rutter who attended to congratulate the two universities on the permanent memorandum of understanding with greetings from the signatories: Dr. Shigeki Shimba, the Dean of NUSP, and Dr. Chris Chang, Vice-Chancellor of UoP.

The MOU regarding academic and student exchange activities between NUSP and UoP was first signed in 2016 when overseas clinical training was held at the University of Portsmouth, and was subsequently renewed in 2019, leading to this latest renewal of the memorandum.

The signing of this memorandum will further strengthen the relationship between the two schools and will lead to the further promotion of academic and student exchange activities in the future.

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