



ホーム >  国際交流 >  令和6年度ポーツマス大学学生受入れプログラム



2024 Study Abroad Program for Students from the School of Pharmacy, University of Portsmouth

From August 27th until September 9th, 12 students from the University of Portsmouth (UoP) came to Nihon University, School of Pharmacy (NUSP), to learn about pharmacy education and practice in Japan.

The first week of their studies saw the UoP students both in the classroom and in laboratories actively learning about pharmacy education in Japan. This included topics such as: Introduction to Japanese Language and Customs, Public Health, Molecular Medicinal Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Health and Sports Science, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Community Clinical Pharmacy, and Pharmacognosy. While studying, they were also joined by students from NUSP who had an invaluable opportunity to use their English skills.

Week two of their studies saw the UoP students split into small groups visiting hospital pharmacies (Nichidai and Itabashi) and a Kampo pharmacy in Chiba. At Itabashi Hospital, the students learned about the roles pharmacists play in the emergency room. While at Nichidai Hospital it was about the role pharmacists play in team healthcare and infection control. Lastly, the NUSP student visits to the Kampo pharmacy allowed them to learn about how Chinese herbal medicines are prescribed and the role a pharmacist plays—something they had never experienced in the UK.

At the end of the program, we held a closing ceremony for the UoP students where they received their participation certificates. Their smiles say everything, no?

When not studying, the UoP students spent much time with NUSP students sightseeing in Tokyo and Chiba. Everyone involved surely made memories to last a lifetime and we very much look forward to future visits by UoP students.
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